Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+1 225 341 3898

Social Profiles

Welcome To

Hazara community of Washington

Welcom To

Hazara Community of Washington

About us

HCWA is a non-profit non-religious, nonpolitical community-based institution HCWA established to help refugee/immigrant communities from Afghanistan to resettle smoothly in Washington, also help them receive the necessary support from the stakeholders.


Hazara Community of Washington (HCWA) is a social and cultural community organization and it is not a political, religious or for-profit organization. HCWA’s mission is to expand social relationships, preserve and advance cultural values, create and strengthen solidarity amongst the community members. HCWA is cognizant of cultural diversity of the American society and takes cultural integration seriously; therefore, it is of paramount importance for our community members to learn and cherish the rich and diverse American culture; our mission is to attain a harmonious and successful integration into the mainstream society and pursue our original dream of a better world. HCWA connects the community members with all available resources, opportunities, and people; and encourage their active participation and engagement in matters of social, economic and cultural importance. In short, HCWA’s core mission is a successful integration of community members into the mainstream society and support the community members reach their highest potentials and become an exemplary immigrant community in the USA.


Hazara Community of Washington (HCWA) has a clear vision, a vision of providing cultural services to families and establishing strong social relationship between its members. HCWA will welcome new members and envision enhanced and extensive cultural and social services. Make optimal use of all available resources and opportunities for cultural, economic and educational excellence Establish and strengthen relationships among the community members as well as people outside the community based on recognition and respect of cultural diversity and freedom for all Encourage education and learning advanced knowledge and technology Preserve cultural values and teach younger generation Hazara culture and history Empower women and encourage their stronger participation in mainstream society Network and collaborate with other organizations for increased growth opportunities Organize cultural festivals, sports events; support and uplift one another, unite against hardship, celebrate happiness and success

What we do

At HCWA, our mission is to empower community members to thrive by providing efficient and effective programs and services. HCWA is building a community to thrive by creating pathways to opportunities, empowering individuals, and fostering hope for growth At HCWA, our mission is to build a strong community to support individuals and families succeed by developing culturally competent programs and services

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--- Get In Touch

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question

Call us for meditate support at this number

+1 225 341 3898

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